In the dishes we serve in the restaurant you will find the typical products of Enna tradition as cheese, olives and organic extra virgin olive oil, vegetables, meats, cheeses, honey accompanied by excellent Sicilian wines. The recipes retain the flavors of the kitchen of Enna peasant made from local, seasonal and mostly organic embellished with convivial and sympathy of Mark’s service. Our guests can taste and buy organic almonds harvested every September.
Our restaurant is booked and reserved only for overnight guests.
Our dishes make use of organic products like our almond and olive oil company “Convento di Gerace” of Gaetano Fontanazza of our own district. We use the bread leavened with sourdough home and baked in a wood, cheese and cottage cheese from the nearby “Tenuta Bubudello” of Faraci Luigi and vegetables from the nearby farm of Salvatore Zagarella. At breakfast we serve Carlo Amodeo’s honey of which we host several hives in the district and our jams. In the menu are fresh local produce and seasonal and other typical characteristics like the cheese DOP Piacentino Ennese, Sicilian DOP Pecorino, Bronte Pistachio green DOP, red orange of Sicily IGP, capers from Pantelleria IGP, Leonforte peach IGP, Pachino tomatoes IGP, red and white wines IGT Sicily. Do not miss the homemade desserts such as virgin pulp, the crumbled Enna cake, the almond ice-cream, sorbet to blacks mulberry trees, the tiramisu.
Vegetarian menu or special requests for food intolerances.
At the request of our guests we organize cooking classes.
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