Greek Theater of Morgantina

It will be the first of the work ‘From Infinity Infinity’ written and interpreted by Monica Guerritore to open, on 2 and 3 July, at the Greek Theater of Morgantina on the occasion of the 2017 Amphitheater of Sicily, to inaugurate the initiatives of ‘Amphitheater of Sicily’, promoted by the Regional Council for Tourism. The bill was presented by Anthony Barbagallo at Piazza Armerina, which with ‘Villa del Casale’ will for the first time be the stage of the event. In the Greek Theater of Morgantina will be staged productions made by the Taormina Arte Foundation, the Stabile Theater and independent artists. After his debut with Monica Guerritore he will continue with two shows produced by Taoarte: Taormina’s orchestra and pianist Mario Galeani (July 14 and 21). The “Amleto” stage will be followed by the adaptation of director Andrea Elodie Moretti (22/7), and then the music will return, with the performance of the Wind Orchestra of the Conservatory A. Corelli di Messina (29 / 7). In August, the 4, on stage ‘Fedor Dosotoevsky’s dream of a ridiculous man’, played by Gabriele Lavia, and ‘Evening of Honor’ by Michele Placido (18/8). Two performances of the Stabile Theater in Catania: ‘Novelle for one year’ (15/7) and ‘Diskolos’ (28/7). For independent productions the folk opera ‘Il Cavalier and the Angelica’, with lyrics and music by Salvatore Guglielmino, taken from Orlando Furioso. The Villa Romana del Casale, on the other hand, will be the venue for a show that will revive the atmospheres of the Villa between sounds, lights and live music in five dates (23 and 30 July, and 6, 13 and 20 August) . “Not only will the two locations, for the first time, be the protagonists of a calendar of events that will be developed throughout the summer season,” said Archbishop Barbagallo, “but on staged evenings it will be possible to visit archaeological sites, Including the Venus of Morgantina.I am very pleased – concluded the councilor – not only for the quality of the productions but, above all, because we have realized a concrete action of territorial promotion of two of our most prestigious locations and tourist attraction capacity ” . (ANSA).

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